26 Sep
Banana and Egg Hair Treatment Looking for a little more shine in your hair? Simply mix one egg and a mashed up banana. Apply it as a thick paste to your hair and leave it on for 10 – 30 minutes. Wash it our doing your usual hair washing ritual (if you usually use a store-bought conditioner you’ll probably only need to condition the ends). And voila! Super simple, and all natural, beauty tip. Moisturizing Nail Treatment Soak your nails...
26 Sep
Your skin is a precious resource. The dermis is your largest organ. It protects you from bacteria and other foreign invaders that can damage your health. So it deserves a good regimen of skincare for men. Important fact: not all men’s grooming products are created equal. Creams, lotions, washes, and soaps line your local drug stores. But many are filled with questionable ingredients. Some countries restrict the ingredients in cosmetic products more than others. Regardless, there are potentially dangerous substances in many popular skincare...
26 Sep
Like it or not, some of the best wrinkle fighters and collagen boosters come from guys in white coats. But that's not to say you have to smear on unpronounceable synthetic ingredients if you don't want to look like an old hag. In fact, there are all-natural extracts and alternatives that can totally make you look younger, smoother, more glow-y, and a bunch of other good adjectives. Just know what to look for—and where to find it. If You Want to...
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